2012年7月3日 星期二

Girls的主唱Christopher Owens宣布離團

by cheric pm 05:05

今天一大早看到這震驚的消息,台灣的樂迷可能沒機會親眼看到Girls了(前陣子PDC作者們常常在作夢,以為他們有機會來,so sad...),近年來人氣很高的indie rock雙人組Girls的主唱在Twitter上宣布離團消息。

Christopher Owens:"Dear all, This may come as a surprise to many & has been an issue of much thought for me. My decision was not easy to make. I am leaving Girls. My reasons at this time are personal. I need to do this in order to progress. I will continue to write & record music. More will be announced soon. I thank you all for everything. Sincerely–Christopher"

Christopher Owens在16歲時離開基本教義派上帝之子(Children of God,一般大眾所認定的新興教派cult也被稱作邪教)之後和貝斯手/producer Chet "JR" White組成Girls。發行了三張廣受好評的唱片,包括2009年首張專輯"Album",根據Nielsen SoundScan資料賣了50,000張;2010迷你專輯"Broken Dreams Club"(19,000張);2011"Father, Son, Holy Ghost"(48,000)。沒想到這青春三部曲就真的這麼結束了。

JR white尚未對此發表正式聲明,我們也不清楚少了主唱的Girls會不會繼續活動。在twitter上最後Owens說這絕不會是他音樂生涯的終點。

1.R.I.P. Girls
2.這就像Morrissey離開The Smiths
3.哪有!? 這比較像Morrissey離開Morrissey,歌都是Christopher寫的,有差嗎?
4.現在Christopher Owens跟Japandroids有了共同點,They Both QUIT Girls.
5.幹 我哭了...
6.“Christopher Owens Leaving Himself, Finding Himself”
7.Christopher的下一個新團 Girl(單數)

Girls - Vomit - Special Presentation(在教堂裡拍的Video)

Girls - Honey Bunny - Special Presentation 

Girls - Substance - Don't Look Down (大概是因為在屋頂上表演所以才叫Don't Look Down)

來源:pitchfork billboard